What Are the Differences between Planter Warts and Corns

If you always feel a stone in your shoe while walking, you may get a plantar wart or corn on your feet. Both plantar warts and corn are skin conditions that appear on feet and they are often confused due their location and similarity. If you observe them property, you will understand subtle difference between these two conditions outer shell.

Anyway, since they are not identical skin problems, their causes, treatments and prevention strategies differ from each other. It is essential to know these differences to cure your skin problem properly. Here the differences between planter wart and corn have discussed in various standpoint.

1. Appearance: Corn appears as hard and thickened skin that looks like a callus. Whereas plantar warts come out as small, pale-colored, hard growths that usually develops in clusters. Warts have dry and crusty surface along with small black dots. 
planter wart
2. Location: Corns usually come out on tops and sides of the toes. On the other hand, plantar warts appear on the bottom or plantar surface of the foot. It often comes in clusters usually on the heel or ball under the toe, while corn always come in single, but same foot can get several corn in different areas. 

3. Reason: Poorly fitting shoes are main cause for getting corn. On the other hand, the main reason of getting planter wart is Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). This is contagious and an individual can be affected by this virus by walking in barefoot in public areas like pool, shower areas, locker room etc. 

4. Treatment: Doughnut-shaped foam pads are often helpful to get rid of corn. However, if it becomes older and causing pain or discomfort on foot, surgery requires removing hardened skin on foot to alleviate discomfort. Planter warts treatment involves medications to get rid of viral infections. Different home remedies and over-the-counter solutions like salicylic acid are often applied on warts surface to resolve the infection. However, if they fail to cure wart, you may need to undergo for minor or laser surgery, medication or cryotherapy to get rid of wart

5. Prevention: To avoid getting corns you need to wear comfortable and well-fitted shoes that have cushioned soles, low heel and soft uppers. To prevent yourself from HPV you should avoid walking on barefoot in public areas. HPV usually thrive in warm and moist areas like swimming pools, locker rooms and showers. Since HPV is contagious virus, you need to remain caution about these areas. 
In fact, proper identification of your problem will help you take right treatment and divest yourself of the ailment.  


  1. In most cases, you can help to prevent corns and calluses by wearing shoes that fit properly. In particular, choose low-heeled, comfortable shoes that have enough space around the toes. Wear socks to cushion any areas of unusual rubbing or pressure, and use foot powder to reduce friction. 

  2. Corns refer to the thickening of skin over a large area called callosity. These are usually found over the joins of the toes and on the soles of the feet. It is caused as a result of pressure on the toes and skin surfaces of the feet, through incorrect footwear. 

  3. Another difference between plantar warts and corn is the way you treat them. The natural wart removal methods you find here are very different from the way you would treat corn.
