Since yeast infection has adverse effect on
human body, it should be treated straight away lest it malfunction your immune
system and harm valuable organs of your body. Taking appointment and visiting
doctor may take you sometime to start treatment of the problem. In this time,
the problem may worsen and the devastation fungus may harm your body more.
Therefore, while
you are waiting for doctors’ appointment and visit, it is wise to start
treatment at home as soon as the problem discovered. Even your problem may alleviate
when the visiting day to doctor comes. In fact, some simple home remedies
amazingly cure the problem and put off necessity of visiting doctor for the
Here are
some home remedy have discussed that have proven effective on yeast infection treatment.
1. Tea tree oil: It has antifungal property that
prevents fungus from spreading, and gives relieve from itchiness after applying
this in affected area. This oil contains terpinen-4-ol, which fights against
all type of infection actively.
2. Yogurt: Yogurt is full of high amounts of
Probiotics, which is regarded as friendly bacteria for human body. This
component actively fights against certain infections and diseases of body, and
it suppresses the development of Candida fungus. Therefore, the best way is to
get this natural probiotics by including yogurt in your everyday diet. You can
also apply this on the affected area.
3. Ginger: This is another excellent home remedy
to cure yeast infection, especially if you have tinea versicolor. Just make
paste of garlic and apply it on infected area. However, this remedy is not
suitable for vaginal yeast infection.
Vinegar: Vinegar impedes the growth of yeast
and reduces infection as well. To use this, mix some vinegar with water and
take bath with this regularly until the problem alleviates.
5. Coconut and cinnamon oil: Both of the oils are excellent
antifungal properties to cure yeast infection. Their application is also simple. Just apply them on infected
area two or three times a day until the problem goes.
6. Buttermilk: Regular intake of buttermilk
promotes good bacteria inside the body and helps the body balance between good
and bad bacterial presence. Thus, it stops infection in the body and prevents
from recurring.
Water: This is the most easy and
cost-effective way to begin yeast infection treatment straight away. Sufficient water intake maintains the PH
level of the body and cures infection fast.
there are various over-the-counter medications are available in drugstores, home
remedies are effective to cure yeast infection safely.
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