wart is not serious skin problem, it
becomes a matter of discomfort if it grows in certain parts of the body. When
it grows on foot, it becomes painful and annoying for an individual to walk
comfortably. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is responsible for the growth of warts in broken skin of body. This
virus thrives in warm and moist environments like in shower floors, swimming
areas, locker rooms etc.
warts are noncancerous skin growth, but proper treatment requires preventing it
from spreading other parts of the body. When warts appear on foot, it is called
planter warts. There are various ways to treat warts. You can apply
over-the-counters products on it or you can go with different home remedies to get
rid of planter wart. Here are some herbal remedies have discussed for wart treatment.
- Castor oil – This oil derived from Ricinus communis. It efficiently heals skin diseases and infections. Mix some baking soda with castor oil and make them paste. Apply the mixture on the wart before you go to bed at night. Use a band-aid to cover the area. It will take 4 to 6 weeks to heal wart and you have to apply mixture until warts fade. However, you can also apply half-drop of castor oil directly and cover the area with band-aid. Apply this twice a day.
- Apple cider vinegar – This is another effective remedy to cure planter warts. Soak your foot in warm water for 15 minutes, then dry foot with cloth, and apply apple cider vinegar on it. Use Q-tip to cover the wart and repeat the procedure every night for few weeks until warts go. However, you can also use duct tape to accelerate wart removal. You should change the duct tape once a week.
- Garlic – This is considered a safe and herbal ingredient to heal planter warts. Take a garlic clove and apply the remnants on wart. Now cover it with band-aid and leave it for 24 hours. Repeat the procedure every day. Blisters will begin to form after few weeks and wart will go down as well.
- Grapefruit seed extract – The extract of grapefruit is an excellent antimicrobial product that effectively works against infection. Apply a drop of this extract twice a day and cover wart after that. The warts will become white and fade in a few weeks.
- Salicylic acid plaster – This is instant method to cure warts. You just need to use plaster directly to planter wart twice a day. However, do not forget to rub away dead tissue when you are going to reapply this. You can also apply salicylic acid liquid on it and this liquid is available on market as over-the-counter wart removal treatment.
you can take some herbal medication orally beside application of these remedies
to accelerate treatment procedure. Green tea treatment is one of the worth
considering ingredients that are considered as effective component to boost up
body immune system to protect HPV. The recipe of this remedy is very simple.
You just need take a cup of hot water and mix one teaspoon of pure green tea
extract in it. Stir the mixture properly and wait for 10 minutes. Drink four
cusps of green tea in this way daily for about two weeks or until warts fade away. However, do not mix
sugar or sugar alternative with this.
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