Easy and Natural Remedies for Wart Cure

Natural Remedies for Wart
It is very natural for the people who are affected with wart that they become so nervous as soon as the unsightly warts appear on their skin, especially on the visible part of their body. The first thing people do is to run to doctor or drug store for over-the-counter drugs. People do not realize that there are many effective alternatives available for them to use to eliminate warts with less money, time and hassle. It is called natural remedy. If you are interested in learning more about how to remove wart in natural ways, read ahead.
  • Applying apple cider vinegar on the affected area: Applying this solution is one of the most proven effective natural methods to get rid of wart. To make this method work best, you must apply it 3 to 5 times a day. The method of applying is to submerging the affected area in the vinegar for 15 to 20 minutes each time you apply.
  •  Rubbing raw potato: This method also have been proven to be effective in slowing the growth of wart and finally removing it. However, incorporating this method with apple cider vinegar has proven the best result to cure warts.
  •  Rubbing garlic directly on the affected area: Garlic has element that can removes wart completely if it rubbed on the affected area at least two times a day until wart disappears completely. Generally, it takes two to three weeks to fade wart completely if garlic is rubbed regularly.
Aloe Vera
  • Eating Aloe Vera, tea tree, calendula, and chickweed: All of these four herbs have amazing effect on wart treatment. Pick any of these four herbs, mix with lukewarm water, and take two glasses a day. However, give 10 to 12 hour time interval between two glasses. You will not have to wait long to see the result on your warts. However, interesting fact is that you can also use them to rub on the affected area.
  • Rubbing ripe banana peel: Banana peels also have effective result on wart treatment, especially for plantar warts (wart on sole).

Why Natural ways?
First, this specific kind of skin disease can be successfully eliminated by natural means. Besides, unlike most of the drugs out there, natural remedies are free of any side effect. Moreover, they cost less than half of the traditional medicines, which is, without a doubt, a great benefit that anyone will be interested in.

1 comment:

  1. I was skeptical but eventually became desperate enough to give it a try, after exhausting all other options I could think of and researched. The extract from this amazing and readily available herb works amazingly against all infections and viruses, and heals the skin very quickly. I struggled against a plantar wart for half a year, trying various remedies. It grew to the size of a thumb and I could barely walk. This oil ate it up in ten days flat. A friend tried it and said it cured his athletes foot within three days. It can cure cancer and seemingly any ailment. Word needs to get out about this.
