5 Myths and Facts of Genital Warts

People have misconception about warts, especially genital type of wart. Here are some common myths and facts have discussed on this type of skin problem. 

Myth – 1:  They are cancerous.

This is so far the biggest myth that has been going on ever since regarding genital wart. There are so many people, even in this 21st century, who think that this type of wart can turn into cervical cancer eventually.
Fact: The fact is – there are dozens of human papilloma virus types. The specific strains that are responsible for cervical cancer are entirely different from that of the genital warts.

Myth – 2: Safe or protected sex ensure the guarantee of not getting this skin problem.

This is also very misleading myth, which can turn to a healthy person ending up catching the virus of this wart from his/her partner during sex. They think wearing condoms will prevent the virus from travelling from the infected partner to the healthy one.

Fact: The truth is – wearing condoms cannot guarantee that the virus will not travel though the condom. Like all the other sexually transmitted diseases, genital warts are also likely to spread though condoms. However, wearing condom will reduce the exposure to the virus.

Myth– 3: The virus of wart that affect your partner’s hands and feet can travel to your genitals and cause this wart.

If your partner has plantar wart or other types of wart affecting his feet and hands, you can still have sex without worry about getting these warts.

Fact: The strains of human papillomavirus that cause plantar wart or other types of warts are not likely to be the reason for causing this wart.

Myth – 4: Complete and definitive diagnosis is possible.

Some people may think that there is definitive diagnosis for genital wart like other diseases.

Genital Warts
Fact: There is actually no conclusive diagnosis available to detect whether a person is carrying the specific strain of papillomavirus that will cause genital warts. As long as the virus will be in dormant stage, it will not show any symptoms. To diagnose genitals, you need to rely on the look and feeling of the area. If you feel something bumpy and hard on the skin that is itchy, you can visit a professional, who will confirm if they are genital warts.

Myth – 5: If you cannot see or feel them, you are safe.

Many people, who are carrying the virus of this wart, may think that they are safe.

Fact:  You can never be certain that you are not carrying the virus of this type of skin problem underneath the skin of vaginal area. One of the most disturbing realities about wart is – the virus can stay dormant under the skin for months before finally showing up symptoms.

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