What is Candida – All You Need to Know

Candida (Candida albicans) is a type of yeast/fungus, which is usually harmless but is considered responsible for most fungal infections. The problem is, something can upset the balance of bacteria in the body and the yeasts, via the digestive tract or the bloodstream can cause diseases for the host. If you continue reading the rest of the article, you will have a clear idea about what is Candida.

In the laboratory, under the microscope, this yeast has a large, round shape and a cream color (albicans is Latin for 'whitish') and has a yeasty odor. It can be identified with its inability to ferment lactose. Other species of this fungus are used for many purposes but this particular species can trigger infections due to stress, few courses of antibiotics, a diet rich in sugar and carbohydrates, smoking or food allergies. 

Fungal infections are becoming increasingly widespread and affecting several areas of the body. Candidiasis is the term used to describe infection caused by Candida. This infection can occur in humans and animals and can even have major consequences. The most obvious reason of this uninhibited growth is a poor immune system, which is prevalent among older people, people with any sort of critical illness; hence, the large number of patients at risk can be seen around the world. 

You need to know what is Candida because many medical professionals still do not recognize this syndrome and so, not many patients are aware of the overgrowth of yeast in their body and the problems that are causing it. Once triggered, it is able to release more than 70 toxins in the body. It can affect mental and symptoms can also show in your digestive system, mouth, skin, respiratory system, eyes, ears, genitor-urinary system, immune system and even body weight. If you are having trouble in multiple areas mentioned above, you might want to check whether this is being caused by an overgrowth of Candida. 

Limiting antibiotics and foods that are high in sugar or yeast are a few things that can help get rid of excess yeast in the body. Diagnosis is not easy but lab tests such as blood test, urine tartaric acid test or stool analysis can reveal overgrowth of this yeast; the blood test being the most reliable. Other ways to diagnose it include taking questionnaires online or getting books related to this syndrome. For treatment, a ‘Candida diet’ can help which includes cleansing, following a strict diet and reintroducing foods which will be initially prohibited and best thing to do is to consulting an alternative health doctor. Hope now you have a better idea about what is Candida.

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