Wart is a viral problem. It affects on the top layer of body
skin and forms a solid blister. The main reason of this problem is HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). More than 100 types of HPVs have found up to now. Each of
them affects in different parts of body and emerges in different form. In
addition, complexity of wart varies according to type of HPV. Some common
of warts are listed below.
Common Wart
common wart |
This round-shaped wart appears mostly on hands and knees. It
also affects fingernail or further down the finger. It does not cause any
serious illness, but leads to disturbance for its inconvenient swallowed shape.
Usually, it disappears on its own. If it takes longer to disappear, proper
treatment is essential to protect other parts of the body for its affect.
Planter Wart
planter wart |
Mostly found on feet and soles of feet. It is painful
because of its location, especially if pressure exerted on feet by walking.
Walking irritates the wart and pushes deeper into the skin. However, this is a
simple growth of the skin and initially it appears as lump when you walk.
Though it is not serious problem, treatment is required to avoid discomfort of
Genital Wart
genital wart |
It is relatively serious manifestation of HPV. This type of
wart considers as contagious and a sexually transmitted diseases. In most cases
it causes sore, bleeding and infection. Patients feel uncomfortable due to its
location. Like other type of warts, it often fades away on its own. Some
treatments are available to get rid of discomfit quickly.
Oral wart
oral wart |
This dome shaped wart forms around the mouth and lips. It is
painless, but irritating because of location. However, often it misunderstands
as cancer, thus you should take professional help to make sure about this.
Flat Wart
It is almost similar to common warts and considers as
normal. Mostly found in teenage groups. Because of this small size, it becomes difficult
to identify. This takes about a year to form and become visible. It appears in
a number of places like face, neck, wrist, hands and knees. Though flat warts
are harmless, they are embarrassing in terms of aesthetic issue.
flat wart |
flat wart |
Filiform wart
filiform wart |
This type of wart usually known as facial wart. It forms
around the lips and on the eyelids. It appears in longer shape and it is
contagious. But it is harmless and easy to treat. However, professional help is
required due to sensitivity of affected areas.
Periungual Wart
periungual wart |
Periungual warts are mostly found near nails of fingers and
toes. Usually they come out in clusters and this is the smallest kind of warts.
Often they remain unseen without any irritation. Though they are harmless, they
can cause discomfort due to their location and sometimes they may occur nail
displacement. Therefore, it is should be treated as early as possible. Laser
treatment or cryotherapy are often used to cure this type of warts.
Seed Wart
seed wart |
These warts are easy definable as they appear in black
color. They mostly found on hands and feet. This is a painful type of wart for its potentiality of
inflammation. They are usually considered as a sign of other illness, but their
treatments are similar to other type of common warts. However, they disappear
after a certain period like other types.
However, hands get wart more than other parts of the body, because
this part of the body comes in contact in HPV or other people’s wart easily. In
most cases, warts do not create serious problem and they disappear on their
own. They are the matter of discomforts and other people look your hand down by
seeing this. However, it is a matter of concern when people look you down by
seeing this and your warts are increasing rapidly. Then you should consult a
doctor and take necessary step to remove warts.
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