Understanding Warts

Are you dealing with sudden appearance of warts on a visible part of your body? If you do, then you should not panic and should know that millions of others are getting affected every day. According to a finding, almost half of the populations of the world are affected with different strains of HPV (Human Papillomavirus). And because of HPV, wart develops on different parts of human body regardless of the age and color of that person.

Like any other skin disease, wart gives people much reason to think of getting rid of them immediately. Though most type of wart growths are non-carcinogenic or non-cancerous, still they are unsightly and can become itchy at some level. Now, throughout this article you will find some basic information on this strange growth on human body. If you want to get rid of a disease, you need to have a better understanding of it.

What are warts and how do they look like?
Warts are one of the most common types of skin diseases that happen when the presence of HPV (Human Papillomavirus) causes the cells in the epidermal layer of skin to thicken. This is worth mentioning here that different strains of human papillomavirus cause different types of warts. As for their looks, they can appear with slight differences depending on where they are appearing. If they appear on thin skin like face, they appear to take rather small shape, while on thick skin like the sole; it takes cauliflower like hard shape.

Who are affected?
Anyone who is exposed to HPV, can catch the disease though skin-to-skin contact or through intercourse. However, kids and teenagers are the most affected group.

Are they benign or carcinogenic?
They are absolutely non-cancerous. The strains causing warts are totally different from the strains that are responsible for causing cervical cancers.

What can you do to prevent them?
Regularly maintaining good personal hygiene is a good way to stay on the safe side. You should also make a habit of eating healthy and nutritious food full with vitamins and exercising regularly. These good habits will strengthen your immune system, making your cell fight back the virus responsible for warts. Strong immune system will also keep many other diseases at bay. Always wear sandals or any other footwear when you are at the gym, pool, locker room and in any other public spot.  

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