Are You Aware of Yeast Infections?

Yeast infection also known as Candidiasis refers to the fungus infection on human body caused by fungus possessed by the normal human body. This infection mostly observed in moist and warm surfaces of our body like mouth, vagina, underarms, nail beds, and intestinal tract. Anyone can be the victim of the infection.

The causes behind yeast infections differ according to the type of the infection. However, this type of infection generally shows up when the yeast that our body possess gets through cuts or wounds in our skin. The most common infections are Thrush which is found inside the mouth and Monilial Vaginitis, found in the vagina. Thrush is caused when the already presented candida fungus are disturbed because of low immune system or oral medication causing them to spread as an infection. Whereas, Monilial Vaginitis generally occurs when the yeast present in vagina overgrows after the environment in the vagina is changed after menstruation, sex, use of antibiotics, diabetes, menopause, and use of unfavorable fabric such as nylon. Nevertheless, both of the infections are common among people with low immune power. 

Are you aware of the symptoms of yeast infections? When you are infected by oral Thrush, you can observe certain white lesions inside your mouth; generally over your tongue, gums, inner cheeks, tonsils and throat. You will have difficulty while swallowing your food. Similarly, you will experience slight fever as the infection starts spreading. On the other hand, the common symptom of Monilial Vaginitis is itchiness, redness, soreness, and rashes inside or around vagina. Moreover, you feel slight pain while urinating or having sex. Also, your vagina discharges white cottage cheese-like fluid with no odor. 

Both of these infections are diagnosable and curable. It is always better to consult a doctor to make it sure if it is getting serious. However, some precaution measures can be adapted to prevent from such infections. For oral Thrush, it is better to refrain from smoking or chewing tobacco and also from using mouthwashes and sprays. Likewise, to prevent vaginal infections, usage of scented soap, pads, and tampons should be avoided. During periods, keep the vagina clean by cleaning it frequently and changing pads or tampons often. Also, avoid wearing tight underwear with synthetic materials. Nonetheless, both infections can be prevented if you adapt a good personal hygiene. Therefore, always follow good oral and genital hygiene to restrain the infections.

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