How to Avoid Getting Yeast Infection

Yeast infection often overlooked thinking it a skin problem or hit rash, but this devastation fungus growth adversely affects human body. Even it can be life threatening as sometimes it affects blood, brain and kidney. This devastation fungus can also grow in liver, lunges and the spleen. Though it sounds strange, it happens indeed. When an individual’s immune system is weak, Candida related illness easily develops in his or her body. Even slight change in diet and lifestyle can trigger the growth of this.

The problem is quiet common in women, and they prone to suffer vaginal yeast infection more. A number of things are responsible for the growth of this fungus in private parts of the body and it leads to infection eventually. Since it has several adverse effects in body, it should not be left untreated for longer. Necessary steps should be taken as soon as it is discovered. Home remedies, over-the-counter products, medications are common way to get rid of this problem. 

However, lifestyle and food habit are largely responsible for growth of yeast. Thus, in spite of taking treatment, chances to reoccur the ailment if lifestyle remains unchanged. Therefore, it is ideal to take necessary measures to avoid getting the ailment in future after taking its treatment. Here are some things that you can follow to avoid getting Candida, especially vaginal yeast infection

Usually people contracts yeast infection for several reason and here are some of the factors that contribute an individual having this infection. 

-          Hormonal change, especially during pregnancy and after child birth
-          Antibiotics and steroid medicine intake
-          Diabetes
-          High stress level
-          Weak immune system
-          Too much sugary food intake
-          Menstrual period

If you remain cautious about above-mentioned things, you can easily prevent Candida. Here are few things that you need to follow to prevent yeast infection, especially vaginal infection – 

-          Avoid using douche
-    Avoid using scented hygiene products like sprays, tampons, bubble bath, sanitary pads etc.
-          Change pad and tampons frequently during menstrual period
-          Instead of synthetic fabrics use cotton underwear
-          Do not use tight underwear, pants or shorts
-          Avoid having hot baths and using public tubs
-          Take sufficient water
-          Avoid excess sugary food
-          Reduce your stress level
-          Control blood sugar, if you have diabetics
-    Limit taking excess dose of antibiotics, steroids and birth control pill by consulting your physician
-         Take necessary steps to boost up your immune system

Thus, if you avoid these things and take necessary safety measure to protect your private part, you can say good-bye to yeast infection forever. Even these measures are helpful to protect an individual from getting Candida in life, who have not experienced yeast infection yet and want to avoid this in the life.

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