What is Yeast Infection?

Candidias is is alternatively known as Yeast Infection. Anyone can be affected by this ailment regardless to age and sex. Women are at high risk of get yeast infection. Research showed 75% women are suffering from this problem, mostly Vaginal Yeast Infection.

Usually people fail to recognize that they are suffering from this infection. They tend to overlook this thinking it ordinary heat rash, which will disappear by its own. Unfortunately, it is not as simple as it seems, even it can be life threatening if it remains untreated for longer.

What is yeast infection?

Candidiasis occurs due to invasion of a particular fungus named Candida Albicans. Infection occurs when this type of fungus grows more in certain part of body. Moist areas and folded parts of human body are suitable place for this type of fungus to thrive. Usually it can be found in our nail beds, underarms, abdomen and mouth. Women often get this fungus in their breast and vaginal areas.

Who are vulnerable?

As mentioned before, women are more at risk of getting this infection. Generally, people get this for various reasons. Several things trigger the growth of Candida Albicans and incite infection as well.

People, with weak immune system, can easily invaded by this fungus. Cancer treatment receiver, diabetes patients, pregnant and AIDS patients are prone to get this fungus more. Some medications like antibiotics, steroids, birth control pill may contribute yeast infection.

Women at her menopausal age may experience this, since estrogen level declines in that stage. Eating too much sweet and stress sometime trigger yeast infection in body.

What are the symptoms?

Signs and symptoms of yeast infection vary according to the location of the infection. Common yeast infection symptoms are-
  • Itching or Burning Sensation In folded and moist areas of the body
  • Painful Urination or Other Urinary Disorders
  • Pain when having sex
  • Vaginal Odor
  • White Discharge
  • Rashes
  • Soreness and swelling
  • Fever and many more

What about Treatment?

Candida fungus is usually harmless. But it dominates in human body for several reasons, such as weak immune system, antibiotic dose and birth control pill. 

If you are suffering from any of the above symptoms, you should take necessary steps to get rid of this problem as early as possible. Different over-the-counter products are available nowadays for yeast infection treatment. By using these products, you can cure Candidiasis at home without losing your privacy. Alternatively, you can try natural remedies to cope this problem. 

However, if you are experiencing severe problem for yeast infection, you should consult a doctor and take medicine.

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